What if you have the tools within you to manifest a happier, more satisfying life?
Why I'm Offering this Manifesting Workshop
I started using manifesting tools in the late 1990s, and I've really loved being able to shift my own energy, open up to possibility, and attract wonderful personal and professional opportunities.
I've shared some of my favorite techniques with clients and in my audio programs, and now I'm so excited to be able to share the expanded and more experiential and comprehensive approach that has worked for me.
I want to help you learn to release outdated ideas that are holding you back, and manifest greater abundance, joy, wellbeing, success, and more.
Manifesting = Using Your Mind to
Create Positive Change
Manifesting has become a trendy topic. And it can seem too good to be true.
But the concept of manifesting is very real.
What most people don't realize is that successful manifestation is a combination of clarity about what you do (and don't) want, deep down; knowing you deserve good things; and being open to possibilities you may not have even thought about just yet.
Manifesting requires all of these, plus an openness and receptivity to attracting (some version of) what you say you want.
And finally, gratitude for the good you have now as well what you are focused on manifesting.
This Workshop is for you if:
- You know there are things you want to change in your life
- You are willing to get clear on what you want
- You are willing to take appropriate action to bring your desires into being
- You are open to and excited about tapping into the mystical & exploring esoteric concepts
- You can set aside the idea of controlling every detail of what you manifest
- You are open to "wonderful surprises" - possibilities that are beyond what you know about or can imagine in this moment - the equivalent of asking the Universe for "this, its equivalent, or better."
- You enjoy workshops that are experiential - including journaling, affirmations, guided imagery, and harnessing the power of intention through creative rituals
Manifesting Practices Have Helped Me to:
- Open up to my own intuitive guidance
- Expand my social world
- Step out of my comfort zone and do meaningful work
- Find terrific homes that people said were "impossible" to find
- Write a book, be featured in, "O - the Oprah Magazine," and have many other terrific professional and personal opportunities
In these 5 live, highly-experiential 75-minute sessions, you'll learn:
- The 5 essentials of effective manifesting
- How psychology and spirituality work hand-in-hand to help you manifest
- The most effective ways to frame your manifestation request
- How to avoid attracting what you don't want
- Rituals for releasing the fear, self-doubt, or feeling like you don't deserve to manifest good things
- Discover tools that modern mystics use to manifest abundance & happiness
- Resources for further learning
- Connection with others who will lend their positive energy to the collective
- Traci Stein's audio program, "Manifesting Your Future Self During Deep Sleep" - featuring hypnotic imagery and binaural beat technology
- A special gift set of manifesting tools (palo santo, sage, candles and a crystal) to help you focus your energy (if you register before midnight Eastern time on Wednesday, March 17th )

Course Dates & Details
The course begins on Wednesday, March 24th at 6:30 pm Eastern time. Each live session lasts for 75 minutes.
The workshops dates are the 5 Wednesdays below:
(In order to receive your gift bag on time, please register no later than midnight Eastern time on March 17th.)
Start manifesting!
This exciting course launches on Wednesday, March 24, 2021, and has limited enrollment.
Click the button below to secure your spot in the class!
(Register by midnight Eastern time on Wednesday, 3/17 to receive your gift set before the first live session!)
[See below for picture of gift set]
START MANIFESTING!Register Early to Receive this Manifesting Gift Bag
Register by midnight Eastern time on Wednesday, 3/17/21 to receive this manifesting gift set (you'll need to enter your mailing address at checkout).
There are only 10 available, so if you want it, register soon!

About Your Instructor
Dr. Traci Stein is an educator, award-winning author, and a health psychologist. She is a core faculty member at the Spirituality Mind Body Institute at Teachers College, Columbia University, and is also the creator of a series of popular and affirming guided imagery, self-hypnosis, and meditation audio programs on topics ranging from manifesting to enhancing self-esteem, to fostering greater self-compassion, achieving a healthier weight and body image, developing a mindfulness meditation practice, beating the procrastination habit, creating positive change, and many others.
Traci is especially known for creating audio programs that help listeners make desired inner shifts during the sleep state.
Traci's audio programs can be found on Audible.com, iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Spotify, and on the Insight Timer App - which is currently the most popular meditation app on earth.
And of course, they are available through her publisher: HealthJourneys.com.
Traci's work has been featured in publications including, "O, The Oprah Magazine," "Health," "Shape.com," "Parade Magazine," "Women's Health" and elsewhere.
She has spoken about everything from creating positive change, to relationships, to intuition, self-esteem and other topics on numerous radio programs and podcasts.

"Traci Stein is an incredible instructor, inspiring professional and an absolute well of knowledge, experience and resources...."

Start manifesting!
This exciting course launches on Wednesday, March 24, 2021, and has limited enrollment.
Click the button below to secure your spot in the class!
(Register by midnight Eastern time on Wednesday, 3/17 to receive your gift set before the first live session!)
Award-winning actor; Producer; Director; Coach.
New York, NY
"Experiencing Dr. Traci Stein and her steady and soothing voice is like being wrapped in a warm blanket of wisdom and spirituality. Her guided imagery is both calming and enlightening. She feels like the kindest, most loving best friend you always wanted! In these stressful times, Traci has a way of untangling the knot of uncertainty and putting you on a path of ease and peace."
What People are Saying
about Traci Stein

Jason Asher
Corporate Trainer, New York, NY
"I have participated in two of Traci's workshops on developing intuition and found them very powerful. She is a patient teacher with wonderful insights and a gift for intuition. I highly recommend any opportunity to work with her and to learn from her breadth and depth of knowledge."

Lauren Fisch, MS, LMT
Oncology Massage Therapist, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY
"Traci Stein is a gifted clinician and teacher with an extraordinary capacity for keen insights and deep empathy. I had the privilege of working with her when she was the director of the Columbia Integrative Medicine Program at NY Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center. Her dedication, warmth, and astute observations made her an outstanding director. Traci is truly one of the most intuitive, compassionate individuals I know."

Zack Mason, JD, MBA, MS, MA
Attorney, San Antonio, Texas. He recently obtained a Master of Arts at Teachers College, Columbia University, as part of the Spirituality Mind Body Institute.
“Traci has a rare teaching gift. She is able to communicate clearly and directly while simultaneously conveying her empathy, sensitivity, and deep spirituality. I found her intellect, personality, and style highly effective and engaging.”