A Dramatic, True & Very Personal Clairaudience Experience

As some of you already know, clairaudience refers to "psychic hearing."

It's that voice in our minds that seems different from normal thoughts and self-talk. And that's because it is

Sometimes psychic hearing presents as a song that pops into your head right before you hear it on the radio - even if you haven't heard that song in forever and a day.

In my experience, clairaudient information comes through for a reason.

It sheds light on a question we have been pondering, or tells us when we need to pay attention to something specific.

It's a great type of psychic shorthand - such as when you're about to buy that great looking used car and you hear the word,  "lemon" in your mind, stopping you from signing the contract - and it saves you thousands of dollars in repairs.

In the booklet that comes with my newest album with Hemi-Sync, "Developing Clairaudience," I go into greater detail about what clairaudience is, how it works, and how you can strengthen your own clairaudience.

But I wanted to share with you a very personal story from many years ago.

It's had an even greater impact on me years later.

Typically, clairaudient information is fairly subtle and comes through as a more internal type of perception. But once in a while, it comes through loud, clear, and can seem like an entirely external experience.

Here's what happened.

Back when I was a psychology graduate student, I used to do weekly energy healing sessions on a friend I'll refer to as "Sarah" to help ease the pain she had from a chronic (but not life-threatening) condition.

Because our school was located in New York City, where space is at a premium, it was often challenging for us to find a private space where she could relax and get comfortable and I could try to balance her energy. Although usually we could find a room to ourselves if we looked long enough, on this day, all of the normal spaces were occupied.

I was determined to try to help Sarah, however, and we wound up finding an empty classroom on a floor that was slated for a complete renovation. The construction hadn’t yet started, but because the renovation was scheduled to begin any day now, the entire floor was empty.


Sarah laid down on a conference table in the classroom, and I got into a meditative state before first sensing and then balancing Sarah’s energy field. I felt very peaceful and “in the zone” until several minutes into the session, when I heard the Beatles song, “Let it Be.”

It was loud!

For several minutes I tried to ignore the music, but found myself becoming increasingly annoyed.

“Who on earth is blasting music up here?” I wondered.

No one was supposed to be on this floor (including us). The weird thing was that a few lines kept playing…over…and overand over.

Here were the lines I heard: “Let it be…let it be…whisper words of wisdom, let it be…let it be.” And “...Mother Mary come to me…let it be…let it be.”


Now, I was not a huge Beatles fan, but I knew that there were more lines than these to the song. (And later, after Googling the lyrics, I learned the line goes, “Mother Mary comes to me [not come to me].)


Somehow Sarah appeared to be resting peacefully despite the booming music. But I was so distracted and annoyed that I moved to the door and stepped outside the room. I was ready to give the (other) interlopers a piece of my mind! 


Of course, you may already sense where this story is going.

Once I was outside the room, I no longer heard the singing. A bit puzzled, I went back inside and resumed working on Sarah. Only to find the music had started up again.

Except now I noticed a very pretty, smiling young woman in my mind’s eye. She was in a rural setting I didn’t recognize, and she was very clear. I could tell she was also very kind and sweet.


Ultimately, I finished the session and re-alerted Sarah. She said she felt wonderful, with less pain and greater ease.

Sarah asked me what I noticed while working on her.

I told Sarah what I noticed in her body and energy field. And then, a bit sheepishly, I told her about the music and the woman.

As I did so, Sarah became tearful and told me, “Thank you so much!"

"Today is the 10 year anniversary of my friend Mary’s passing."

"I met her when we were in Ecuador for a year, and she was like a mentor to me. I’ve really been missing her lately and wondering if she is still here for me.”

Sarah took the music and the vision to mean that Mary was most definitely still present and supporting her.


You could have knocked me over with a feather!


There is a postscript to this story that made this experience even more impactful.

A few years later, Sarah herself passed away.

Sarah had a wide and loving circle of friends, and I got to know many of them when Sarah was very ill. A few years after Sarah’s passing, I received an email from her friend “Danny.” Danny had come across a video Sarah had recorded for her young daughter, in which Sarah sang “Let it Be” to her. 


I believe that the purpose of the clairaudient music and vision I’d had of Sarah’s friend Mary was threefold.

  1. Sarah needed to hear from Mary on Mary’s anniversary, and she received the message she’d asked for.
  2. Although neither Sarah nor I knew she’d be diagnosed with a terminal illness a few years after this healing session with me, perhaps Mary did. I’m sure that this encounter with Mary through the Beatles song must have let Sarah know that her own spirit would survive.
  3. Having this experience - with Sarah, the music, and Mary - reminded me that Sarah - and we all, are eternal.

And that our own intuition can help us in more ways that we can imagine.

Does this resonate with you? Have you had meaningful clairaudient experiences? Do you have any questions about psychic hearing? Let me know!

(And if you're interested in further developing your own psychic hearing, you can check out "Developing Clairaudience" here.)




Complimentary Meditation for Greater Wellbeing

Please enjoy this complimentary meditation designed to foster feelings of self-compassion, wellbeing, and healing at all points in time.

Set aside a half hour, get comfortable, and give yourself the gift of greater ease.